Friday, May 31, 2019

Tupac Shakur - Me Against the World Essays -- Music

Tupac Shakur - Me Against the WorldI was 13 years old. Anticipation thrilled my mind and body as the sea air wafted by dint of the window. My best friend and I were nearing the beach and the mini-van we had inhabited for six hours felt as though it was closing in on us. Thoughts of the beach, the simplicity, and the freedom had controlled my mind for weeks, compensate months prior to our trip to the beach. Harnessing my new-fashioned hormone attack was still a challenge and images of tan girls plagued my mind. Then it happened. A phone call came on the radio that became my adage for the week hitherto yet though that week ended, the artist never left my life. The voice I heard was that of Tupac Shakur and the song was I Get Around. The lyrics of the song were boastful and egotistical. I love it. With Tupacs display of masculinity as my inspiration, my chances of picking up some of those tan girls were great. Unfortunately, I didnt and my determined electric charge was in vein however to this day Tupacs music, spirit and camaraderie still gives me inspiration. At the end of that wonderful week we were forced to pack up and leave the freedom and the high temperature of the beach. With me I took many memories, and a new tee shirt with the slogan I Get Around boldly indite on the back.Years mystify passed. My best friend is still my best friend, but we rarely talk. Now, nearly nothing is quite the same. Friendships have passed Ive changed mentally and physically. finished all of the changes, Tupac has always been at my side. He elevates the highs in my life and illustrates the lows. Tupac Shaker is still influencing me, and I still own that tee shirt. I never upset touch with Tupac. I bought the record album with I Get Around, and I bought his preceding albu... Id lay on the warm sand, whip out my jackknife (headphones) and proceed to reckon Tupacs music and life, down to its soul. I could rediscover his essence and get past the thuggish symbo lic complex that is so often associated with Tupac. Although the shining serpent has departed this nation I am thankful that he brightens my world and eases my pain everyday. I think when my professor gave this assignment he intended his class to contemplate for weeks roughly which CD we would listen to musical composition wasting away on a desert island. What my professor didnt understand was that Ive been wasting away for years, and I need this CD to survive, marooned or not.BibliographyAnson, Robert. To Die Like a Gangsta. Vanity Fair Mar, 1997 244-252.Percy, Walker. The Loss of the Creature. The Message in the Bottle. New York Farrar, Srauss, Giroux, 1975 46-63. Tupac Shakur - Me Against the World Essays -- medicationTupac Shakur - Me Against the WorldI was 13 years old. Anticipation thrilled my mind and body as the sea air wafted through the window. My best friend and I were nearing the beach and the mini-van we had inhabited for six hours felt as though i t was closing in on us. Thoughts of the beach, the simplicity, and the freedom had controlled my mind for weeks, even months prior to our trip to the beach. Harnessing my recent hormone attack was still a challenge and images of tan girls plagued my mind. Then it happened. A song came on the radio that became my motto for the week however even though that week ended, the artist never left my life. The voice I heard was that of Tupac Shakur and the song was I Get Around. The lyrics of the song were boastful and egotistical. I loved it. With Tupacs display of masculinity as my inspiration, my chances of picking up some of those tan girls were great. Unfortunately, I didnt and my determined mission was in vein however to this day Tupacs music, spirit and camaraderie still gives me inspiration. At the end of that wonderful week we were forced to pack up and leave the freedom and the warmth of the beach. With me I took many memories, and a new tee shirt with the slogan I Get Around boldl y written on the back.Years have passed. My best friend is still my best friend, but we rarely talk. Now, nearly nothing is quite the same. Friendships have passed Ive changed mentally and physically. Through all of the changes, Tupac has always been at my side. He elevates the highs in my life and illustrates the lows. Tupac Shaker is still influencing me, and I still own that tee shirt. I never lost touch with Tupac. I bought the album with I Get Around, and I bought his preceding albu... Id lay on the warm sand, whip out my jackknife (headphones) and proceed to examine Tupacs music and life, down to its soul. I could rediscover his essence and get past the thuggish symbolic complex that is so often associated with Tupac. Although the shining serpent has departed this earth I am thankful that he brightens my world and eases my pain everyday. I think when my professor gave this assignment he intended his class to contemplate for weeks about which CD we would listen to while wasting away on a desert island. What my professor didnt understand was that Ive been wasting away for years, and I need this CD to survive, stranded or not.BibliographyAnson, Robert. To Die Like a Gangsta. Vanity Fair Mar, 1997 244-252.Percy, Walker. The Loss of the Creature. The Message in the Bottle. New York Farrar, Srauss, Giroux, 1975 46-63.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Welfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal Responsibility E

Welfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal ResponsibilityPublic Welfare is an important support governing body of the United Statesgovernment. Welfare has its benefits, but the system has pitfalls. Instead ofabolishing social eudaimonia as critics of the system suggest, reforms can be made tocorrect the problems while government, either on the state or federal level, cancontinue to assist the impoverished.The term eudaimonia is used to describe a variety of programs that depictincome support and puddle a safety net for poor individuals and families. Suchbenefits include Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, food stamps, housingallowances, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Aid To Families WithDependent Children (AFDC) enables states to provide cash payments to childrenthat are deprived of the care or support of a parent. In terms of welfarereform, this is the program most often discussed.The media has created many myths regarding welfare and the reasons thesystem should be done away with. Stating that the majority of new welfarerecipients are poor, single mothers, claims have been made that poor women havemore children because of the incentives of welfare benefits. It has beenproven that is no correlation between womens choice to have children andwelfare benefit levels. Furthermore, for each special child, a mother canexpect an additional $90 of AFDC benefits, far too low to serve as any type ofincentive. In addition, those states that provide higher benefits do notnecessarily fork over higher birth rates among their welfare recipients. Familiesreceiving AFDC benefits have 1.9 children, just about the same as the nationalaverage. (ACLU 1)Another myth created by the media concerns the amount of capital spent andthe results. It has been said that after spending billions of dollars since themid-1960s on anti-poverty programs, there have been little or no results. Tobegin with, spending on AFDC between 1964 and 1994 was notwithstan ding $500 billion, lessthan 1.5% of federal spending for that period. Further, there have been results.Between 1964 and 1973, the poverty rate fell from 19% to 11%. It is true thatsince 1973, poverty has increased. This is ascribable to economic forces such asdeclining real wages, rather than a failure of the system itself.A third myth regarding welfare concer... ...People must be held prudent for their actions economic and moralfailures are not societys fault. As Speaker of the House Gingrich said,We are re-establishing work as an American tradition.(US peeleds & World Report 12)The welfare system is an important aspect of American society. Itassists the impoverished individuals and families of our nation. It helpssupport the unemployed during their time of need. The welfare system mustremain to help people shoot back on their feet, as it was designed. However, itmust be reformed so that dependence on government aid is avoided.Works CitedAmerican Civil Liberties compact The C ivil Liberties Issues of Welfare Reform.New York The American Civil Liberties Union, 1995.Five Media Myths About Welfare. Extra 1-3.Hoehn, Richard. Blueprint for Social Justice Lets Get Real About Welfare.New Orleans Twornery Center for Peace Through Justice, 1995.Kaus, Mickey. The Revival of Liberalism. New York Times. 9 August 1996 A27Say You Want A Revolution. US News and World Report. 9 Oct 1995 11-14Schiller, Bradley, Why Welfare is Still So Hard To Reform. Challenge November-December 1995 16-19

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Constitution Position Paper :: essays research papers

The falls of this country are due to the Articles of Confederation and a weak centralized government. To correct this, a strong national government will need to take its place. The majority of this delegation wishes to accept the Constitution as the new federal government of the unify States.Many good arguments were brought up during the proceedings such as William Patersons view of revising the Articles and proposing the union of the states as merely federal. Alexander Hamiltons intellection of a supreme executive serving during good behavior or life with veto power over all laws. Both of these were rejected. Patersons political program because there are too many faults with the Articles and Hamiltons idea because it is too close to a form of monarchy. The most accepted idea was by Edmund Randolph and crowd Madison. In it they proposed the government be broken up into three branches legislative, executive, and judicial and each branch to check and balance each others power. Th is centralized government would have the power to veto laws enacted by state legislatures. The majority of the delegates voted on a supreme power national government over the federations creation an agreement resting on the good faith of its members. The many problems in the Articles of Confederation that led us to throw it away rather than to amend it were its inability to tax, no national court system, no executive to enforce acts of Congress, lack of regulation of foreign and interstate commerce, amendments with consent of all states, and the fact that the articles are only a firm league of friendship that is non-binding. There are too many changes to me made to have the state legislatures vote on it. The result would be no changes for the legislatures stand to loose power. The only way that changes will be made if we start new.Many new issues came up with the Constitution and they were settled. The issue of legislation was meliorate with a bicameral legislature with two houses where one is represented equally by each state is allotted two votes while the other is ground on population. How slaves would be counted was settled where every five slaves counted as three persons.

Communication in The Global Village Essay -- Technology Globalization

The world that we understand is rapidly becoming a much smaller entity. Technology is rapidly bringing us to places we have never been sooner. Thanks to widespread globalization, and the explosive growth and use of the internet, people are uniting and communicating in ways never ideate two decades past. While more developed countries are taking advantage of this impertinent global village, less developed countries helplessly stay in their stagnant life rafts as the sharks of these new virtual communities circle round. In the dawn of time communication started with mediums such as facial expressions, groaning, and sometimes good whacking a member of your community of interests in the head. Communications simplest form is essentially dying with the construction and use of this web of interweaving technology known as the internet. Unlike forms of communication of days long past , not everyone can get involved in this World Wide Web. The internet is a community that uses a simple no n intentional form of segregation that limits the use of the internet to people who live in countries that have the ability to set up these online villages. The makings of this new virtual revolution is essentially separating people. In the article Social Policy for Cyberspace, Dale Spender argues how people are being rapidly separated into two groups the achieve Minds and those that are being kept in the dark. She also explains how the People in the real world are being divided up into the information-rich and the poor. (Spender, Composing Cyberspace, p 266.) Basically the people with access to a global village are moving forward and the people in underdeveloped countries are lying stagnant. akin myself, Spender believes strongly in the well being of Third World countri... ...ciety demands a world that must rapidly change and make life easier we ordain strive to achieve that level no matter what the task. Eventually everyone on this earth will be able to connect to create the u ltimate Utopian global village, but until then we must look to countries less fortunate than us and continue to try and industrialize them to bring them up to our cyber caliber before they are forgotten. Priority needs to be given to research and policies that actually examine and deal with the impact that the new technologies are having on human beings, globally, nationwide and locally. (Spender, Composing Cyberspace, p 269.) Works Cited Holten, Richard. Composing Cyberspace Identity, community, and knowledge, in the electronic age. United States Mcgraw-hill companies inc. 1998. Spender, Dale. Composing Cyberspace Social Policy for cyberspace. P. 266

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comparing the Hero in Fall of the House of Usher, Rip Van Winkle, and M

The Romantic Hero in Fall of the House of Usher, Rip Van Winkle, and May-Pole of blithe Mount Hero n. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Though this is the definition of hero consort to Random House Websters Dictionary, the Romantic interpretation of hero is quite different. A Romantic hero is usually somewhat innocent and c arefree, separate from the masses, and is most always on some type of journey. This hero is idealistic, non-conforming, and rarely lives in the here and now, but, on the contrary, is well rounded, skilled in some fashion, and able to put across with all walks of life. Romantic heroes are open in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, and Washington Irving. Edith and Edgar are the hero and heroine of The May-Pole of brave Mount by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Though the people of Merry Mount are themselves romantic, these two characters typify authentic Romantic qualities. In this short story, May is a time for renewal, merriment, and celebration. This season is full of color, laughter, and animal-like costumes. Within the skirt of the monsters, appeared the two airiest forms (624). Edith and Edgar, the focus of the festivities, are getting married and are adorned with vibrant garments therefore, are the most beautiful and admired of the Merry Mount group. They are both young and innocent, which is also an attribute of Romantic heroes. While waiting for the ceremony to begin, Edgar glances at Edith and is surprised by her disposition. He questions her pensive look and explains to her that energy of futurity will be brighter than the mere remembrance of what is now passing(625). Edith then acknow... ... In conclusion, not all definitions of hero can be found in the dictionary. Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe offer three contrasting portraits of a Romantic hero. Rip, Edith and Edgar, and Roderick may not fill Websters shoes of criteria, but their wardrobe is really Romantic. Works CitedHawthorne, Nathaniel. The May-Pole of Merry Mount. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 623-630.Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 429-439. Poe, Edgar Allen. The Fall of the House of Usher. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 717-730.

Comparing the Hero in Fall of the House of Usher, Rip Van Winkle, and M

The Romantic Hero in Fall of the House of Usher, Rip Van Winkle, and May-Pole of amusing Mount Hero n. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Though this is the definition of hero consort to Random House Websters Dictionary, the Romantic interpretation of hero is quite different. A Romantic hero is usually somewhat innocent and c befree, separate from the masses, and is roughly always on some type of journey. This hero is idealistic, non-conforming, and rarely lives in the here and now, but, on the contrary, is well rounded, skilled in some fashion, and able to slide by with all walks of life. Romantic heroes are plant in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, and Washington Irving. Edith and Edgar are the hero and heroine of The May-Pole of felicitous Mount by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Though the people of Merry Mount are themselves romantic, these two characters typify authentic Romantic qualiti es. In this short story, May is a time for renewal, merriment, and celebration. This season is full of color, laughter, and animal-like costumes. Within the address of the monsters, appeared the two airiest forms (624). Edith and Edgar, the focus of the festivities, are getting married and are adorned with vibrant garments therefore, are the most beautiful and admired of the Merry Mount group. They are both young and innocent, which is also an attribute of Romantic heroes. While waiting for the ceremony to begin, Edgar glances at Edith and is surprised by her disposition. He questions her pensive look and explains to her that nobody of futurity will be brighter than the mere remembrance of what is now passing(625). Edith then acknow... ... In conclusion, not all definitions of hero can be found in the dictionary. Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe offer three contrasting portraits of a Romantic hero. Rip, Edith and Edgar, and Roderic k may not fill Websters shoes of criteria, but their wardrobe is actually Romantic. Works CitedHawthorne, Nathaniel. The May-Pole of Merry Mount. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 623-630.Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 429-439. Poe, Edgar Allen. The Fall of the House of Usher. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Bayn. New York Norton & Company, 1999. 717-730.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Biodiversity Outline

I. Introduction a. Over the past two decades, strong scientific evidence has emerged showing that loss of the worlds biological diversity reduces the productivity and sustain force of natural ecosystems and decreases their ability to provide society with goods and services like food, wood, fodder, fertile soils, and protection from pests and disease. II. Body a. Amphibians No group of animals has a higher rate of endangerment than amphibians. Scientists estimate that a triplet or more of all the roughly 6,300 known species of amphibians are at risk of extinction i.The current amphibian extinction rate may contrive from 25,039 to 45,474 times the background extinction rate ii. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are disappearing because of habitat loss, water and air pollution, climate change and disease. iii. Because of their sensitivity to environmental changes, vanishing amphibians should be viewed as the canary in the global coal mine, signaling subtle yet radical ecosystem changes t hat could ultimately claim many other species, including humans. b. Birds Birds occur in closely every habitat on the planet and are often the most visible and familiar wildlife to people across the globe.As such, they provide an important bellwether for tracking changes to the biosphere. Declining shuttlecock populations across most to all habitats confirm that profound changes are occurring on our planet in response to human activities. i. A 2009 report on the press out of birds in the United States found that 251 (31 percent) of the 800 species in the country are of conservation concern. ii. Globally, BirdLife International estimates that 12 percent of known 9,865 bird species are now considered threatened, with 192 species, or 2 percent, facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild two more species than in 2008. ii. Habitat loss and degradation project caused most of the bird declines, but the impacts of invading species and capture by collectors play a big rol e, too. c. FishIncreasing demand for water, the damming of rivers throughout the world, the dumping and accumulation of various pollutants, and invasive species make aquatic ecosystems some of the most threatened on the planet thus, its not surprising that there are many angle species that are menace in both freshwater and marine habitats. i. The American Fisheries Society identified 700 species of freshwater or anadromous fish inNorth America as organism imperiled, amounting to 39 percent of all such fish on the continent ii. In North American marine waters, at least 82 fish species are imperiled. Across the globe, 1,851 species of fish 21 percent of all fish species evaluated were deemed at risk of extinction by the IUCN in 2010, including more than a troika of sharks and rays. d. Invertebrates (depth into coral reefs) Invertebrates, from butterflies to mollusks to earthworms to corals, are vastly diverse and though no one knows just how many invertebrate species exist, they re estimated to account for about 97 percent of the total species of animals on Earth.Of the 1. 3 million known invertebrate species, the IUCN has evaluated about 9,526 species, with about 30 percent of the species evaluated at risk of extinction. i. Freshwater invertebrates are earnestly threatened by water pollution, groundwater withdrawal, and water projects, while a large number of invertebrates of notable scientific significance have become either endangered or extinct due to deforestation, especially because of the rapid destruction of tropical rainforests. ii.In the ocean, reef-building corals are declining at an alarming rate 2008s first-ever comprehensive global estimation of these animals revealed that a third of reef-building corals are threatened. III. Conclusion a. While much concern over extinction focuses on globally lost species, most of biodiversitys benefits waste place at a local level, and conserving local populations is the only way to ensure genetic diversit y critical for a species long-term survival. Not everything is gauze-like when it comes to biodiversity loss, but what it is clear that many thousands of species are at risk of disappearing forever in the coming decades.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Athens Under Solon

When the urban center of capital of Greece stood on the brink of revolution, the citizens of Athens looked upon statesman and gave him the task of creating new legal philosophys for them because of troubles that had been plaguing them for a long time. They saw that he more than than anyone else in city, stood apart from the injustices of the time and was involved neither in the extortions of the rich nor the privations of the poor (Plutarch 55, Par 1). In this paper I will be piece of writing of c bring upes that took effect under solon and whether those changes resolved the contrasts that brought Athens on the brink of revolution.First, I will be writing about the conflict over soil ownership and slavery between aristocrats and greens people, who appointed national leader as reconciler and archon and whether his new laws resolved those conflicts. Secondly, I will be writing of conflict over power between aristocrats and aristocrats, feuds that used to run between families and would non get resolved until on that point was no one left to take retaliate on and how Solons new laws changed that. And another laws of Solons that he was highly appraised for to make an Athens better place under him such as laws on Dowry, Inheritance, and Wills.Thirdly, I will be writing of political laws that took places under Solons era and how he secured those laws against alteration for a blow years that gave powers to common people in Athens. The Two sources I will be using to write this paper are The Athenian Constitution (The register given in degree by Prof. Trumbach) and Plutarch The Rise and fall of Athens (Textbook assigned for class). Aristocrats vs. Peasants Before I write about the conflict between the aristocrats and the common people, you must know the geographic system of Athens and the people who worked on those lands and how that contributed to the conflict. The city of Athens was divided into as many parties as there were geographical features in it s territory. First there were aristocrats, people who lived in plain, who supported an oligarchy government and had the best and most fertilizable land (The Athenian Constitution 2). The ships company of the heap (Peasants with land on the hill) supported an extreme democracy so the new government can redistribute the land and they can have some(prenominal) of the fertile land which was all owned by aristocrats.Their land was so unfertile that sometimes they had to eat their own seed to survive due to bad harvest-home and borrow seeds from aristocrats and pledge their own freedom. When they were unable to pay back their debt, they were seized by their creditors and creation enslaved at home or were sold to foreigners aboard. Many parents were even forced to sell their own children because there was no law to prevent that from happening (The Athenian Constitution 2). Then there were sharecroppers (Thetes) who supported a mixed direct of government. These were the peasants who had no lands of their own and rented a land from aristocrats.As a rent they would pay one sixth of their crop which left them with just enough crop to survive. Sharecroppers lived on very tight budget. They were always left over with just enough to survive year to year and had no social mobility whatsoever. They were born poor and died poor. The city stood at the brink of revolution and the poor people could not take any more harshness from their creditors (Plutarch 54, Par 2). At this point poor blush wine against notables, the strife was fierce but they held out against each other for very long time.Eventually tired from fighting both stances agreed to appoint Solon as reconciler and archon and entrusted the Athens to him (The Athenian Constitution 2). After gaining control, prototypal measure Solon put into force, he discharged all the debts of common people whether it was universal or private that they owed to aristocrats which the Athenians called the Shaking-off of Burde n. He freed all enslaved and put in a law that in future nobody could accept the person of a debtor as a security (The Athenian Constitution 3).Hill peasants were now free from slavery and debt but their problems were still not solved. They treasured Solon to redistribute the land which he did not do, but instead he make Olive oil the save product of Athens allowed to be exported. So if there was anything extra leftover from the farms of aristocrats, they had no choice but to give to starving poor and Hill peasants. If anyone were to export anything but oil be punished by archon or should pay fine to the public treasury (Plutarch 66, Par 3). After making Attica a great and secure place to live, he completed that the city was filling up with people in a steady stream from everywhere in Greek at the same time he realized that most of the country was still poor and unproductive, and people elsewhere are not in the habit of sending their goods to those who have nix to offer in excha nge.He therefore encouraged the sharecroppers to turn to the arts and crafts of manufacture and made a law that no son was obliged to support his father unless the father introductory taught the son a trade of some kind (Plutarch 64, Par 2). At first, the changes Solon made did not please either party. The rich were angry because of being deprived of their securities and losing out on their property and the poor even more so, because Solon did not carry out a redistribution of the land as they had expect him to do (Plutarch 58, Par 2). However, it was not long beforehand they realized that what Solon had done was great and saw the advantages of his policy. Athenians were so happy that they went on to appoint Solon to reform the constitution and draw up a code of laws.No limit was set to his powers and every function of the state was committed to his charge, the magistracies, the public assemblies, the courts of law and the Councils. He had authority to decide the property qualific ations, the numbers and the times of meeting of each of these bodies and also to preserve or dissolve all existing institution as he thought fit. Aristocrats vs. Aristocrats After Solon became the authority figure and champion of people, he established a constitution and formed other laws to make Athens better place to live.Athens had long been troubled by the blood-feuds of aristocrats families that had been trying to gain political control of the city, which in Solon time were the families of Cylon and Megacles. Family of Cylon wanted to seize the control of Athens and Megacles family wanted to stop them. At the time of Solon this feud was at its height and the city was torn between them. So after Solon came to mediate between them and Megacles family was found guilty, he enacted a new law to protect common people. He gave every citizen the privilege of outlet to law on behalf of any one whose justlys was violated.For instance, if a man was assaulted or suffered violence or inju ry, anybody who had the ability and the desire to do so was entitled to engage a suit and prosecute the offender. In this way every citizens of Athens come close to each other and sympathize with one anothers wrong and became loyal to each other and not just to their friends and families (Plutarch 60, Par 2). Seeing that the city was always in a state of strife and some tyrant is always trying to take control of the city and some of the citizens through apathy accepted whatever might happen, Solon made a special law to deal with them.If when the city is torn by a feud and anyone should refuse to place his arms at the disposal of either side should be outlawed and have no share in the city (The Athenian Constitution 4). Solon was admired for another law that he made which deals with Will. Before Solon wills were not allowed and if someone who owns the property dies, the estate of the deceased was bound to remain within his family. However, Solon allowed any man who had no children t o film their heir, showing that he rated friendship above the ties of blood and free choice above necessity (Plutarch 63, Par 3). In another law, Solon abolished dowries. The bride had to bring nothing but three changes of clothes and small necessity of small value to her new home. Solon object was that marriage is pure and it should not be seen as profit- making institution, two people should get married to gain each others love and affection not property (Plutarch 62, Par 2). Solon also forbade slaves to rub themselves with olive oil, to practice in the gym or to have a boy lover.He made this law so the young aristocrats boys hang out with people only in their class, with people who can teach them the aristocratic ways and educate them for future (Plutarch 42, Par 2). However, Solons law concerning women seem incongruous to some extent. For example, he made it illegal to kill any adulterer who was caught in the act. The offence of rape against a free cleaning lady was punished by a fine of no more than 100 drachmae. He also made it illegal for a man to sell his young woman or sister, unless he discovered that she was no longer a virgin showing he did not care much about womens set (Plutarch 65, Par 3).Political Structure As soon Solon gained all the power in Athens, he abolished all the Draconian laws because of their harshness and the excessively heavy penalties they carried the only exceptions he made were to the laws relating to homicide (Plutarch 59, Par 2). Solon wanted to leave all the offices of state in the hands of the rich, as he found them but at the same time he wanted to give the common people (Thetes) a share in other sector of government which they had never before possessed. So he took a census of each citizens property and divided them in four different Categories.Those who received an annual income of 500 measures were hardened in the first class. People who owned horses and paid horse tax or possessed an income of 300 measures were pla ced in the second class. The third class was People whose yearly income amounted to 200 measures. Rest of the citizen body was known as thetes, common people and peasants. Solon distributed major offices, such as the nine archons, the treasurer, and the sellers among first three classes according to the level of their assessment.People who were considered thetes were not entitled to suck office and their only political function consisted in sitting in the Assembly or on a Jury. First this new changes to the constitution appeared to be worth very little and nobody took much interest in it, but afterwards on became extremely important, because the majority of the disputes were settled in front of a jury and that jury was now consist of 98% common people. Even in those show windows which Solon placed under the jurisdiction of the magistrates, he then also allowed the right of appeal to the popular court.And if the popular court were unable to settle the case in accordance to law, ca ses then were to be handled by jury, so that in sense the jurors became the arbiters of the law. And because most of bodies in Athens that time were common people, they were the one to hold most position in jury (Plutarch 60, Par 2). Solon then established the council of the Areopagus, which was composed of men who had previously held the annual office of archon, as he was once before. He too became a member of Areopagus. He saw people were becoming restive and unruly because of their release from their debts.He then formed a second chamber consisting of 400 men, 100 being drawn from each of the four classes. Its functions were to deliberate public business in advance of the general assembly, and not to allow any matter to be brought before the Areopagus without its having been discussed. He charged the upper chamber with the task of exercising a general supervision and performing as guardian of the laws. His object here was that the state with its two councils should ride, as it we re, at double anchor and should therefore be less exposed to the buffetings of party politics and better able to secure tranquility for the people (Plutarch 61, Par 2). He also made another law that all his laws were to remain in force for a hundred years, and they were written on a axons, or wooden tablets which was covered with a wooden frame for generations to remember (Plutarch 67, Par 2).In Conclusion, Solon is considered as the first lawmaker that set the ground for the creation of the democracy, the government system that made Athens powerful and granted the city fame for the centuries to come. The most elective of Solons enactments were these three the first, and greatest, the forbidding of loans on the person i. . using oneself as security for a loan, foreclosure resulting in slavery the second, the possibility for anyone who wishes to sue over wrongdoings and third, reform of the political body structure of Athens which gave the power to common people to sit in the jury f or the first time eve in the history of Greece. In his reform measures, he pleased neither the common people who wanted the land redistributed nor the landowners who wanted to keep all their property to themselves. Instead, he did what he thought was right for Athens.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Poverty in the Philippines Essay

Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take over Filipino values and culture. Its all over the news, the Philippine Congress is now pushing forward the Divorce none of hand right after they have put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. This is exactly what I have been unreassuring about. Just a couple of weeks ago, when I attended our Baptist Convention Meeting here in the Vi ordainas, this issue was brought up. And just as what I have stated, RH Bill can also lead to the Divorce Bill because they have the same proponents. I know lots of Evangelical Christians are pro-RH Bill.But what they shamt know is that the proponents of RH Bill are also the proponents of Divorce Bill. And now that they almost got what they want, they are now preparing for another wave of controversial aviator which will open a high direction for immorality and degradation of Philippine culture and religious standards and beliefs. Here is a list of the known supporters of RH Bill and Divorce.It is not what God wants. Since I started Biblical studies nothing in the Bible that will tell you that God favored and felt better for divorce. It was only allowed due to the hardheadedness of men. God did not made man and woman to be united and then separated if they got into some problems. If you fear the Lord and his commands, there is no way that you will agree on divorce. This is not what God wants. As simple as it is. Even if some pastor and theologians quantify it as a requisite amputation as far as I remember what my American Theology professor said, I would say that divorce is divorce, and God hates it.It was only men who wants it, not God. It is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children. Most divorce advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. But I really do not await it as a solution for these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of immorality and sexually related to diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancie s and sexually related diseases. And I believe that you will agree with me that these problems are a threat to women, children and even family. But why?Simply because people were given the so-called election and chance to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called rights is abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own self-centered selfish need for happiness and will only bring them to the same situation again and again and again. Thats why you will see people divorced not just once, nor twice, however multiple times. It gives a wider path to domestic problems. As I mentioned earlier this right has proven to be easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to repeat the same mistakes.Divorce is like a medicine but an unrecommended one. For example, there is a an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for another woman to abuse. opus the wom an if shes the one having some problems, she will just look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to view as again for divorce. Ridiculous isnt it? It is just a picture. It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Immorality. I guess this is not so much in nowadays.Its something that most people dont want to talk about except those that are of the religious sectors and religious people. I hate to say this but the Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these divorce proponents put forward for various problems. Did we not learn from the US? Did the stats of violence against women and children dropped by the use of divorce law? We talk much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law, while the negative do far out weighs the positive. Heres the summary of the advantages of divorce

Friday, May 24, 2019

Accounting Seminar Notes

Chapter 6 Homework Solutions 6-16 Sales budget, service setting. 1. Rouse & Sons 2011 Volume At 2011Selling harms judge 2012Change in Volume evaluate 2012 Volume registered nurse Tests 12,200 $290 +6% 12,932 Lead Tests 16,400 $240 -10% 14,760 Rouse & Sons Sales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Selling Price Units Sold enumerate tax incomes Radon Tests $290 12,932 $3,750,280 Lead Tests $240 14,760 3,542,400 $7,292,680 2. Rouse & Sons 2011 Volume Planned 2012 Selling Prices Expected 2012 Change in Volume Expected 2012 Volume Radon Tests 12,200 $290 +6% 12,932Lead Tests 16,400 $230 -7% 15,252 Rouse & Sons Sales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Selling Price Units Sold lend Revenues Radon Tests $290 12,932 $3,750,280 Lead Tests $230 15,252 3,507,960 $7,258,240 Expected revenues at the new 2012 prices are $7,258,240, which is lower than the expected 2012 revenues of $7,292,680 if the prices are unchanged. So, if the goal is to maximize stark(a ) revenue revenue and if Jim Rouses forecasts are reliable, the company should not lower its price for a lead test in 2012. 6-17 Sales and production budget. Budgeted sales in units200,000Add target ending accurate goods descent 25,000 innate requirements 225,000 recover beginning finished goods entry 15,000 Units to be produced 210,000 6-18Direct materials purchases budget. Direct materials to be used in production (bottles)2,500,000 Add target ending direct materials pedigree (bottles) 80,000 Total requirements (bottles)2,580,000 infer beginning direct materials inventory (bottles) 50,000 Direct materials to be purchased (bottles)2,530,000 6-19 Budgeting material purchases. Production Budget Finished Goods (units) Budgeted sales45,000 Add target ending finished goods inventory18,000Total requirements63,000 Deduct beginning finished goods inventory16,000 Units to be produced47,000 Direct Materials Purchases Budget Direct Materials (in gallons) Direct materials needed for pro duction (47,000 3)141,000 Add target ending direct materials inventory50,000 Total requirements191,000 Deduct beginning direct materials inventory 60,000 Direct materials to be purchased 131,000 6-20Revenues and production budget. 1. SellingPrice UnitsSold TotalRevenues 12-ounce bottles $0. 25 4,800,000a $1,200,000 4-gallon units 1. 50 1,200,000b 1,800,000 $3,000,000 a 400,000 ? 12 months = 4,800,000 b 100,000 ? 2 months = 1,200,000 2. Budgeted unit sales (12-ounce bottles)4,800,000 Add target ending finished goods inventory 600,000 Total requirements5,400,000 Deduct beginning finished goods inventory 900,000 Units to be produced4,500,000 3. = 1,200,000 + 200,000 1,300,000 = 100,000 4-gallon units 6-21 Budgeting direct material usage, manufacturing cost and gross margin. 1. Direct Material Usage Budget in Quantity and Dollars Material Wool color Total Physical Units Budget Direct materials required for spunky Rugs (200,000 rugs ? 36 skeins and 0. 8 gal. ) 7,200,00 0 skeins 160,000 gal. Cost Budget Available from beginning direct materials inventory (a) Wool 458,000 skeins $ 961,800 Dye 4,000 gallons $ 23,680 To be purchased this period (b) Wool (7,200,000 458,000) skeins ? $2 per skein 13,484,000 Dye (160,000 4,000) gal. ? $6 per gal. _________ 936,000 Direct materials to be used this period (a) + (b) $14,445,800 $ 959,680 $15,405,480 2. = = $2. 55 per DMLH = = $12 per MH 3. Budgeted Unit Cost of Blue Rug Cost perUnit of Input Input perUnit ofOutput Total Wool $2 36 skeins $ 72. 0 Dye 6 0. 8 gal. 4. 80 Direct manufacturing labor 13 62 hrs. 806. 00 Dyeing overhead 12 7. 21 mach-hrs. 86. 40 Weaving overhead 2. 55 62 DMLH 158. 10 Total $1127. 30 10. 2 machine hour per skein36 skeins per rug = 7. 2 machine-hrs. per rug. 4. Revenue Budget Units Selling Price Total Revenues Blue Rugs 200,000 $2,000 $400,000,000 Blue Rugs 185,000 $2,000 $370,000,000 5a. Sales = 200,000 rugs Cost of Goods Sold Budget Fr om Schedule Total Beginning finished goods inventory $ 0 Direct materials used $15,405,480 Direct manufacturing labor ($806 ? 200,000) 161,200,000 Dyeing overhead ($86. 40 ? 200,000) 17,280,000 Weaving overhead ($158. 10 ? 200,000) 31,620,000 225,505,480 Cost of goods available for sale 225,505,480 Deduct ending finished goods inventory 0 Cost of goods sold $225,505,480 5b. Sales = 185,000 rugs Cost of Goods Sold Budget From Schedule Total Beginning finished goods inventory $ 0 Direct materials used $ 15,405,480 Direct manufacturing labor ($806 ? 200,000) 161,200,000 Dyeing overhead ($86. 40 ? 200,000) 17,280,000 Weaving overhead ($158. 10 ? 200,000) 31,620,000 225,505,480 Cost of goods available for sale 225,505,480 Deduct ending finished goods inventory ($1,127. 30 ? 15,000) 16,909,500 Cost of goods sold $208,595,980 6. 200,000 rugs sold 185,000 rugs sold Revenue $400,000,000 $370,000,000 Less Cost of goods sold 225,505,480 208,595,980 Gross margin $ 174,49 4,520 $ 161,404,020

Thursday, May 23, 2019

An analysis of Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art”

The poem One Art by Elizabeth Bishop uses simple and elegant verse as a poetic pull to help it touch its purpose and to convey its foot. Bishops poem is about the way in which people feel about losing things inside their lives and how this can affect them. Bishops argument, by her poem, is that in order for people to learn the art of losing, they must practice on smaller things and eventually losing early(a) things will not be so unsaid on them. The poetic element that she uses with such success is the language choice she uses, and in break openicular the genius shot of the poem, which makes it easy to read.The theme of the poem, the idea of mastering the art of losing, is expressed through the use of simple language, the authors use of her own personal losings to bring the theme to the forefront, and enhanced by the rhythm of the poems terms. Bishops poem is able to take an idea, that of loss, and successfully relay its theme and achieve its purpose by directing it toward a wide earreach of women who must contend with loss. Her audience is an important influence in how Bishop wrote the poem.One Art by Elizabeth Bishop is a poem that does not use symbolism and strange descriptions to make the theme of the piece, and the result is a poem that deals with loss The art of losing isnt hard to master,/ so numerous things seem filled with their intent,/to be lost that their loss is no disaster (Bishop). Bishops use of language is unique in that it is redbrick and almost as if she is speak it and her use of proper English and grammar comes across as well. The result of this is that the poem appears to be sound advice from a woman who has had many life experiences and can be trusted to share her wisdom with the rest of the world. She writes from her own experiences with lines equivalent, I lost my mothers watch. And look My last,/ or attached to last, of three beloved houses went./ The art of losing isnt hard to master (Bishop).She is able to give the lector a sense of how much loss she has endured and by doing so, she is real making it more realistic to the reader to believe the theme of her poem. Bishop is able to use simple words that almost anyone can understand to bring to well-heeled her ideas about loss. She does not use any fancy punctuation or grammar, nor does she try to hide the meaning within metaphors and similes. Bishop clearly writes a poem in her own voice so that she can get her point across to others like her, most in particular women who have dealt with similar loss.The rhythm of the poem is a particular element of the poem that becomes especially important in a short poem of this nature because it helps the flow of the words. Each of the verses contains a rhythm to it, both by using words that rhyme at the end of every other line or hardly choosing words that make up the express and unstressed syllables of the iambic meter (Sound and Rhythm). In the fifth verse, Bishop writes,I lost two cities, lovely on es, And, vaster,/ Some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent/ I miss them, but it wasnt a disaster (Bishop). The writer uses the words vaster and disaster to create a rhythm that helps the poem flow, and she does the same with other word choices throughout the poem master and disaster, fluster and master, last, or and master. This element is even more important to the success of the poem when it is read aloud by the reader because the way we speak translates into how effective the iambic meter and the flow of the poem truly is.Bishops poem gains it real effectiveness by being simply realistic. The author is a woman who uses her own experiences to reach out to her audience and bring them a poem with a theme that is important to many people, especially women. When she talks about losing a gold watch or forgetting names she is hitting on an important thing to many women the idea of losing something that is sen meterntal to them, like their mothers watch, or getting older and forgetti ng things or having problems with their memory. Its important to remember that the writers own experiences and ideas become a part of the poem and that helps enhance its believability to the audience. She even opens herself up in the final verse, talking about losing someone she loves and losing the joking voice, the gesture I love (Bishop).She opens herself up to the audience in a way that is raw and real, bringing to light issues about loss that all of us will at one time experience or endure, but in particular her intended audience becomes important to the effectiveness of the poem. The poetic device she uses, that of the simple language, becomes that which is most important in making the poem work for the audience. Anytime a poet is able to write a poem in a way that makes it sound, if spoken aloud, as if it is someone speaking to you and giving you advice, it is obvious that the writer meant it to come across in such a way. It makes it easy for the reader to understand what the whole point of verse is really, and that is the theme it is trying to convey and the purpose with which it was written.The theme of this poem is so important to understanding why the author uses the device that she does because throughout the poem, the simplicity that Bishop uses in her poetry helps to transcend the generational gap between the author and the reader. Bishop was an older lady with many life experiences to draw from when she wrote much of her poetry and for this reason, she is able to get onward without using fancy words or poetic devices that do not make sense. She writes simply, in short words, in a type of dialogue that seems as if she is simply speaking it.The beauty of the poetry is that it like she is able to create her theme by sculpting it with terms and words that everyone can understand readily. Her point of put on is that something as complex and yet simple as loss can be an art appoint and that by viewing it as such, we do not simply run away from los s when we experience it, we have to learn to embrace it and further learn from it so that in our lives we can cope with it with self-regard as time goes by. Even the death of a loved one can be something that can be endured with grace and dignity.So why is it an art form to learn to deal with loss? Perhaps in the mind of Bishop it is something that needs to be embraced as a part of life just as one would embrace their gift at writing or any other type of art. When people are enduring pain and are going through problems in their lives, they must be able to move forward. This is Bishops theme. She is trying to teach us to look at loss in a solely different way than we had previously been looking at this type of pain. As a part of life it is something that we need to understand and it would only benefit us to learn how to understand it. Bishops beautiful verse and her use of poetic devices translate her own ideas into the purpose of the poem. In the end, she succeeds in using the poe tic device of language and iambic meter to create a flowing style of poetry that is simple and yet elegant.Elizabeth Bishop uses the simple language and iambic meter to create a poem that easily achieves its purpose of helping enlighten the readers about how loss can affect someone and how it is an art to be able to deal with loss. By using the poetic devices she does, Bishop is able to create an atmosphere in the poem that lets it flow nicely and helps the poem to put across its theme. Without the style of writing that Bishop uses the poem would not be able to achieve its important purpose and the author would fail in her attempt to put across the moral that she wishes her audience to learn from her own experiences and what she has learned from them. One Art is a simple poem that achieves its purpose without the aid of intricate and complex poetic devices, and in so doing is perfectly targeted to her audience and accomplishes her goal. Works CitedBishop, Elizabeth. One Art. Poetry Translation Project. 26 Jan. 2007.Sound and Rhythm. English Literature. Fu Jen University. 26 Jan. 2007.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Inner-City Paint Corporation (Revised) Essay

Alternatives1. Management Improvement Mr. Walsh should take up focal point degree. He needs to insure employee empowerment and delegation. He needs to learn employee empowerment and delegation. The plant manager needs to be trained on speckership since he has no experience in management. He should also expire hiring a public relations specialist and a marketing specialist to improve on these two aspects of the trading.2. Facility Improvement Equipment at Inner-metropolis tonality is common chord large mixer, two petiteer mixers, machines in the lab and the trucks. Mr. Walsh should buy more equipment so that his consumers wont project to worry about their order not being ready. He has enough transportation Equipment. But he should buy some new mixer and more lab equipment. In order to don all of this he should take the loan.RecommendationI would recommend the first alternative which is to improve management. Mr. Walsh wasnt trained and didnt understand management. He could grip the company when it was small. He got lost as the Inner-City tonality grew. If Mr. Walsh did some training, then the company probably wouldnt be in such a mess. He did understand how to expand the business and add employees were they atomic number 18 needed but he lacked better-looking trust to other people. With employee empowerment training he should be able to trust new employees. So with this alternative we can see that the company will grow favorably.METHODS OF ANALYSISS.W.O.T AnalysisStrengths Competitive prices of its products. Steady issue in its market. The companys reputation had been built on its fast service it frequently supplied paint to contractors within 24 hours.Weaknesses Customers view Inner City as a company that negotiates on price and payment out of desperation. His plant managers only experience has been that of a painter. Operating without management controls or financial controls. Inability to pay suppliers on time Poor condition of facilities All records are processed manually Inventory records are not kept. Lack of proper delegation of authority. Employees take turns making paint and driving the delivery trucks. Unskilled employees.Opportunities Considering a purchase of a computer to organize the business and reduce needless paperwork. Consultants who are able to quickly spot problems in business. The production of color paintsThreats The stave in the housing market combined with the s low geardown in the overall economy caused financial difficulty for the company. Walsh manages the corporation today in much the same way that he did when the business began. Walsh lacked on giving trust to other people. Rumors abound that the company is in difficult financial straits, that it is unable to pay suppliers, and it owes a considerable sum for payment on brook taxes. Paint contractors are hesitant to give larger orders. Larger orders usually go to larger companies that have demonstrated their reliability and solvency. No audit has been performed. This could lead to penalty by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).Porters Five Forces Industry AnalysisThreat of New entrants there are low entry barriers in the paint manufacturing industry. This is because it is based on the low costs to enter the market and product unanimity. This is due to an easy and cheap development stage. As for capital requirements, hards need to invest small financial resources before entering this market.Rivalry Between Competing FirmsInner-City Paint is confronted by aggressive competition in its business. There are small paint manufacturers in Chicago that supply the immediate area. The market for paint is highly competitive. It doesnt compete with giants such as Glidden and DuPont. disputation among the giants isnt that fierce, but they lose their large orders to them.Bargaining Power of SuppliersThere is a high bargaining power of suppliers since the industry is highly dependent on component suppliers, a powerful supplier could e xert pressure on the market, by supplying components at a higher price to increase his profits. their products are the primary raw material for the paint manufacturing companies. They could also erect high switching costs. Since Inner-City Paint is working only with few selected suppliers, the company is running at a higher risk than the average.Bargaining Power of BuyersThere is a low bargaining power of buyers this is due to high number of other paint manufacturers in the area in the industry and the customer has the options to take the cheapest and the best.Threat of SubstitutesThere is a high threat of substitutes because there are larger companies that have demonstrated reliability and solvency that paint contractors can choose. There are also other small paint manufacturers in the area.FINANCIAL ANALYSISInner-City Paint breadbaskets revenue for the year is $1,784,080. It experienced a Net Income of $ 17,610.Profitability RatiosReturn on assets = $ 17,610 = 5.98%$ 294,565This shows that Inner-City Paint is not providing an adequate return on the firms investment.Net Profit Margin = $ 17,610 = 0.987%$ 1,784,080This ratio indicates how much money Inner-City Paint makes with each incremental dollar in sales that they experience, meaning that a higher ratio would result increased profit with each additional dollar in sales.Liquidity RatioCurrent Ratio = 262,515 = 0.92285,030This ratio shows that Inner-City Paint is currently in trouble meeting its financial commitments because its current ratio is below 1.Leverage RatiosDebt Ratio = 300,030 = 1.02294,565This measures the portion of total assets provided by the companys creditors. In conjunction with other ratios, this ratio indicates the degree to which operating losses may be cushioned from adverse actions by creditors.Common Size monetary Statement AnalysisINCOME STATEMENT% to SalesSales$ 1,784,080 100.00%Cost of Goods Sold 1,428,730 80.08%Gross Margin 355,350 19.92%ExpensesSelling expenses 72,460 4.06%Ad ministrative expenses 67,280 3.77%Presidents salary 132,000 7.40% shoes Managers salary 66,000 3.70% tote up expenses 337,740 18.93%Net Income $ 17,610 0.99%BALANCE SHEETAmount % to Total AssetsAssetsCurrent AssetsCash $ 1,535 0.52%Accounts receivable (net of ADA of $63,400) 242,320 82.26%Inventory 18,660 6.33%Total current assets 262,515 89.12%Non-current AssetsMachinery and transportation equipment 47,550 16.14%Less accumulated depreciation 15,500 5.26%Total non-current assets 32,050 10.88%Total Assets 294,565 100.00%LiabilitiesCurrent LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 217,820 73.95%Salaries payable 22,480 7.63%Notes payable 6,220 2.11%Taxes payable 38,510 13.07%Total current liabilities 285,030 96.76%Non-current Liabilities long-run notes payable 15,000 5.09%Owners EquityCommon equity 12,400 4.21%Deficit (17,865) (6.06%)Total liabilities and owners equity $ 294,565 100.00%With all of this information we can point out that most of the expenses is attributable to Walshs salary. His six -figure income is not the average salary of a president in such a small company. He might try taking a small pay cut to invest that money in the business. He should also make set selling prices. Next, he should check into finding cheaper suppliers to bring his operate materials cost down. Financially ICP needs a financial account manager to start investing money and watch finance closer.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pal Laurence Dunbar Essay

?Reflection I read the narrative and I knowledgeable that how the originator is large writer to get readers involve involvedly. He described his feelings and motives apply his characters from each levels in their environment. It made me presuppose about the discrimination through his narrative. I want how the reason made the drool occurred with the daring aphonia that pull the leg of has heard. In my tactual sensation, this kind of deep thoughts can be told to the readers in divergent way of written material, precisely how the author used this fiction writing made readers more(prenominal) involved and it was impressing for me. chum up Laurence Dunbars sound judgement about the way of the culture of gray society has reflected on the story truly(prenominal) well, so I was able to understand about it clearly. He mentioned the ideas through Mr. Lecker and he made an ironical believes. Intention was very in truth and explained very well with few words that stupefy put amidst characters captions. I liked the part and caption how Mr. Lecker stated about Josh commonly intelligence in a slave meant discontent but not with Josh In my opinion, this explains the authors real pleading opinion about the slave.I read the story and I learned that how the author is great writer to get readers involve deeply. He described his feelings and motives using his characters from each levels in their environment. It made me think about the discrimination through his narrative. I liked how the author made the story occurred with the daring whisper that Josh has heard. In my opinion, this kind of deep thoughts can be told to the readers in different way of writing, but how the author used this fiction writing made readers more involved and it was impressing for me.Pal Laurence Dunbars opinion about the way of the culture of Southern society has reflected on the story very well, so I was able to understand about it clearly. He mentioned the ideas through Mr. Leck er and he made an ironical believes. Intention was very real and explained very well with few words that have put between characters captions. I liked the part and caption how Mr. Lecker stated about Josh usually intelligence in a slave meant discontent but not with Josh In my opinion, this explains the authors real pleading opinion about the slave.I read the story and I learned that how the author is great writer to get readers involve deeply. He described his feelings and motives using his characters from each levels in their environment. It made me think about the discrimination through his narrative. I liked how the author made the story occurred with the daring whisper that Josh has heard. In my opinion, this kind of deep thoughts can be told to the readers in different way of writing, but how the author used this fiction writing made readers more involved and it was impressing for me.Pal Laurence Dunbars opinion about the way of the culture of Southern society has reflected on the story very well, so I was able to understand about it clearly. He mentioned the ideas through Mr. Lecker and he made an ironical believes. Intention was very real and explained very well with few words that have put between characters captions. I liked the part and caption how Mr. Lecker stated about Josh usually intelligence in a slave meant discontent but not with Josh In my opinion, this explains the authors real pleading opinion about the slave.I read the story and I learned that how the author is great writer to get readers involve deeply. He described his feelings and motives using his characters from each levels in their environment. It made me think about the discrimination through his narrative. I liked how the author made the story occurred with the daring whisper that Josh has heard. In my opinion, this kind of deep thoughts can be told to the readers in different way of writing, but how the author used this fiction writing made readers more involved and it was impre ssing for me.Pal Laurence Dunbars opinion about the way of the culture of Southern society has reflected on the story very well, so I was able to understand about it clearly. He mentioned the ideas through Mr. Lecker and he made an ironical believes. Intention was very real and explained very well with few words that have put between characters captions. I liked the part and caption how Mr. Lecker stated about Josh usually intelligence in a slave meant discontent but not with Josh In my opinion, this explains the authors real pleading opinion about the slave.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Japanese Hrm Essay

International daybook of Human imagination guidance, Human Resource Management Journal, Organizational kinetics and Asian Business and Management. In 2005 he co-edited a book entitled Nipponese Management The look for a New Balance between Continuity and Change with Palgrave. Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor in International Management at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her inquiry interests include international HRM, expatriate management, HQ appurtenant relationships, cross-cultural management and the role of language in international business.She has published about these topics in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Strategic Management Journal, Human Resource Management, and Organization Studies. Her books include Managing the Multinationals (Edward Elgar, 1999) and International Human Resource Management (Sage, 2010). Since 1999 she also maintains an extensive website (www. harzing. com) with resources for international and cross-cultural management as well as donnish publishing and bibliometrics. Abstract The objective of this chapter is to develop suggestions as to how Nipponese multinational corporations (MNCs) might best sack up use of alien, here specifically the Statesn and German, HRM practices in order to reform their own HRM model. These suggestions are establish on a large scale empirical study, encompassing responses from more than 800 HR managers. The go throughing possibilities for Japanese companies from abroad are analyzed on dickens different levels at headquarters and at subsidiary level.One obvious difficulty we are presented with if we wish to answer the question what Japan can learn from the West is the selection of countries that are representative of the West. In this study we limit our empirical research to the inspirations Japan might receive from the USA and Germany. This selection has somewhat merit, in representing the largest and the third 2 3 large st developed economies in the world (with Japan being the second largest saving), and the frugalally dominant nations of North America and Europe (with Japan being the leading economy in Asia).In addition, the USA and Germany each make up the prime spokesperson of two of the three main varieties of market economies the USA representing the free market economy of Anglo-Saxon countries and Germany the social market economy of continental Europe (with Japan embodying the third main soma of market economies, the goernment-induced market economy of East-Asia). Furthermore, according to Smith & Meiksins (1995 243) the USA, Japan and Germany are most frequently referred to as role models, as they provide best practice ideals from which otherwise societies can borrow and learn. Consequently, these country models obtain been subject to numerous comparative analysis (Thurow, 1992 Garten, 1993 Yamamura and Streeck, 2003 Pascha, 2004 Jacoby, 2005). As economic performance and step-up pa ths vary over time the role of a dominant economy also rotates among countries. In the 1950s, 1960s and most of the mid-seventies the American management style clearly was dominant and a common expectation was that it would spread approximately the world, gaining application in many foreign countries.From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, this argument increasingly was employ to Japan (Mueller, 1994), and to a lesser extent and limited to the European context, to Germany (Albert, 1991 Thurow, 1992). Since the implosion of the Japanese economy, the stagnation of the German economy, and with the coming of globalization, the conventional wisdom over the last one and a half decades up to the current economic crisis has been that the American management model is particularly well suited to provide the necessary flexibility to issue with rapidly evolving economic and technological conditions.Consequently, the USA became again the dominant role model (Edwards et al. , 2005). This stu dy employs a very carefully matched design in which we investigate the same three countries (Japan, the USA and Germany) as al-Qaida and host countries. We not only study HRM practices at headquarters (HQ) in each of these three countries, entirely also the practices of the subsidiaries of MNCs from each of the three countries in the two other respective countries. As a result, we re able to compare the HRM practices of nine different groups of companies HQ in Japan, the USA and Germany, subsidiaries of Japanese and German MNCs in the USA, subsidiaries of Japanese and American MNCs in Germany and subsidiaries of American and German MNCs in Japan. This design will enable us to disentangle the inspirations companies seek from abroad to a far greater extent than has been possible in other studies. 3 4 The structure of our analysis is separated into two main divisions. The first main section describes empirical results from HQ and the second main section depicts the situation at subs idiary level.For each of the two main sections, first the context of existing research is summarized. Subsequently, the methodology of the empirical research is described. Findings are thus presented and subsequently discussed. Finally, suggestions are made as to how the Japanese might best make use of foreign HRM policies to reform their own HRM practices and ultimately improve competitiveness. Research context As mentioned above, the Japanese HRM model has frequently been recognized as a key factor to the rise of the Japanese economy, particularly during the 1980s (see for example Inohara, 1990).However, the same Japanese HRM which until recently has been much celebrated in the West, and presented as a role-model to be well-read from (see for example Vogel, 1979 Ouchi, 1981 Peters and Waterman, 1982 Bleicher, 1982 Hilb, 1985), is now increasingly viewed as outmoded, and necessitating substantial reform (Frenkel, 1994 Smith, 1997 Yoshimura and Anderson, 1997 Crawford, 1998 Horiu chi, 1998 Ornatowski, 1998 El Kahal, 2001 Pudelko, 2005, 2007). Others, however, continue to stress its immanent strengths and warn against significant change (Kono and Clegg, 2001 Ballon, 2002 Ballon, 2006).On the other hand, American understanding of HRM has traditionally been viewed by Japanese managers with skepticism. It is regarded as contradicting in many ways the broad concept of respect for people (Kono and Clegg, 2001) and the aim of sympathetic resource development (Ballon, 2002) that is ingrained into the Japanese management philosophy. In particular, the idea of defining the employees of a partnership as resources (instead of members of the company family) that need to be managed (instead of developed) runs contrary to the key concepts of traditional Japanese HRM.However, in response to the deep crisis of the Japanese economy and management model, which has lasted for more than a decade now, it is clear that some shift toward Western management principles is taking p lace 4 5 (Frenkel, 1994 Ornatowski, 1998 El Kahal, 2001 Matanle, 2003). Thus, mirroring the economic growth patterns, adoption of Japanese HRM principles seems in the USA to be largely an issue of the past, whereas the question of adoption of American HRM policies is more current in Japan than ever.The key issue in Japan seems to be to hap a new balance between the continuation of traditional (human resource) management principles and changes inspired largely by Western or more specifically American strategies. Regarding finally the specific German understanding of (human resource) management, it has to be concluded that this is a subject of no significant importance in Japanese business research, if it is considered at all (Pudelko, 2000a). Methodology Data collection and sample It may be noted from this brief surveil that existing literature in this field is in some respects inconclusive or somewhat contradictory.Nor has it generally been informed by empirical examination of HR managers own views on cross-national adoption processes. As this group might be expected to constitute the chief change agent, empirical insight appears in this context all the more important. Accordingly, this chapter provides data on the perceptions of HR managers from three different countries on the mishap of learning from each other. In this task, a quantitative approach seemed to be the most appropriate.The analysis is because based on empirical data which have been drawn together from an extensive survey (Pudelko, 2000a-c). The heads of HR departments from the 500 largest corporations of Japan and for comparative reasons the USA and Germany were selected as units of investigation. It was assumed that the heads of HR departments would have the highest degree of experience, experience and vision with regard to the issues being investigated, due to their senior positions within corporate hierarchies.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Quiet Revolution

The Quiet Revolution The purpose of this paper is to psychoanalyze the aspects of The Quiet Revolution on Quebec, and how the changes implemented by Lesage make Quebec the province it is today. The Quiet Revolution was solitary(prenominal) quiet at name it triggered many a(prenominal) conflicts that appeared in Quebec. The province began to take to the woods away from Catholic church with the help of nationalists, leaving Quebec reformed and quite different from how it was before the 1960s. Before the Quiet Revolution, Quebec was majorly formed of outlandish population.They believed that rural was much better than urban, but due to large families and the lack of good land, it pushed most Quebeckers to move to the cities. By 1921, half of Quebecs population was urbanized. Manufacture industries of textile and shoes located in Quebec, were attracting many Quebeckers to work. The schools of Quebec were owned by the Catholic Church, and were mostly run by priests, nuns and brothers . The Quiet Revolution was a stopover between 1960 and 1966 it was mainly a period of political, social and economic change (Winston Knoll Collegiate).The Union disciplinee political party was in great power since 1944, it held conservative outdated values. The alternative of June 1960 was the beginning of revolutionary changes that were about to happened in Quebec. The election of June 22nd 1960, when the Liberal Party of Quebec ran by Jean Lesage finally won 51. 5% a amplificationst Union Nationale. The main issue of the election was indicated by the Liberal slogan, Its time for a change(The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2012). The giving medication chthonic Lesage began new era with open debates, changing the political electoral map so each urban area would be well represented.The government changed the voting age from 21 to 18. Lesage by increasing loans, made the budget grow from $745 million to $2. 1 billion in less than six years. The Baby bellow generation that had reached adolescence put a lot of pressure on Quebecs poor educational body the role of Catholic Church was quite criticized and abolished pushing the government into creating a department of education, the Parent insure created a school system available to the entire population.One of the major accomplishments by the government in the economic sector was the nationalization of private electricity companies, an idea that was introduced by Rene Levesque, a minister of natural resources. The government of Jean Lesage encouraged industrialization, promoting investments and guaranteeing economic benefits through the buy-Quebec policy, all these objectives were met when Hydro-Quebec became the symbol of success and economic resources. The creation of caisse de terminal et placement du Quebec triggered the creation of the Quebec pension plan, which immediately grew to billion dollars.Quebecs favorite slogan that had huge improvements was the maitres chez creative thinker (masters in our own h ouse) which promoted and influenced federal-provincial relations. The demands that were imposed by Lesage were largely met. Lesage forced the federal government to accept Quebecs insulation from several cost-sharing programs and to compensate Quebec fiscally (The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2012). Therefore Quebec was the only province that had the right to withdraw. Thus, the conflicts then go up between the English Canadians and the French Canadian. The federal Pearson Liberal government established the Royal Commission on bilingualism and biculturalism, which warned that Canada was passing through the greatest crisis in its history (The Quiet Revolution Changed Quebec Forver). Pearson liberal party to gain more strength and credibility hired three wise men Jean Marchand, Gerard Pelletier and Pierre Eliott Trudeau. Quebec was gaining power and these changes made many different French Canadian nationalists for example FLQ (Front de liberation du Quebec) believed that Quebec is a dist inct rules of order and worship separatism, which resulted in terrorism.In 1966, when Quebec faced elections they were confident of triumph, but the Union National had add changes to its image attracted more conservative voters and since the Quiet Revolution never really influenced the rural areas. On June 5th of 1966 the Union National won the elections against the Liberals. Although, the liberal party was elected in 1960 and defeated in 1966, Jean Lesage in 6 years of power had accomplished forceful changes the French language took more place and importance in Canada, the welfare state including the pension plan, Medicare and Hydro Quebec.The Quiet Revolution was an important point of reference in Quebecs history all governments elected in Quebec never omit to mention the importance and the positive consequences that it brought to Quebec. lecture 770 References 1. The Quiet Revolution changed Quebec Forever, http//www. llss. sd73. bc. ca/socials11/materials/chapter8/quiet_revn_c hanged_que_forever. pdf 2. October Crisis, The Quiet Revolution, http//www. historyofrights. com/flq1. html 3. The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2012 http//www. thecanadianencyclopedia. com/articles/quiet-revolution

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company

appellation The 4P applied by the Coca- Cola political party. 1. 0 participation Overview Coca-Cola story began in 1886 when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. posterior S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be change at tonic water system fountains. He created a flavoured syrup, took it to his neighbourhood pharmacy, whither it was mixed with change water and deemed excellent by those who sampled it. Dr. Pembertons partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, is credited with naming the beverage Coca-Cola as well as designing the trademarked, distinct script, lull used today. Picture 1 Dr. John S.Pemberton Prior to his death in 1888, comely two old age by and by creating what was to become the worlds number 1 selling sparkling beverage, Dr. Pemberton sold portions of his business to various parties, with the absolute majority of the interest sold to Atlanta businessman, Asa G. Candler. Under Mr. Candlers leadership, distribu tion of Coca-Cola expanded to soda fountains beyond Atlanta. In 1894, affect by the growing demand for Coca-Cola and the desire to make the beverage portable, Joseph Biedenharn installed bottling machinery in the rear of his Mississippi soda fountain, becoming the firstly to put Coca-Cola in feeding bottles.Large scale bottling was made possible just five eld later, when in 1899, three enterprising businessmen in Chattanooga, Tennessee secured exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola. The three entrepreneurs purchased the bottling rights from Asa Candler for just $1. Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Whitehead and John Lupton developed what became the Coca-Cola worldwide bottling system. 2. 0 Product Description Coca- Cola Comp any(prenominal) comes out with plenty of product variations from the years it is invented until now.The most popular product is the pilot program version of Coca- Cola, this is the attain products for Coca-Cola attach to. Besides that there is plenty others product developed by Coca-Cola Company based on the demand, here is the top Coca-Cola products sell all around the world Name Launched Discontinued Notes Picture Coca-Cola 1886 Present The original version of Coca-Cola. Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola 1983 Present The caffeine free version of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Cherry 1985 Present Was unattached in Canada offset in 1996.Called Cherry Coca-Cola (Cherry Coke) in unification America until 2006. novel Coke/Coca-Cola II 1985 2002 Was still uncommitted in Yap and American Samoa Coca-Cola with Lemon 2001 2005 Available inAustralia, American Samoa, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Korea, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Reunion, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, joined realm, United States, and West Bank-Gaza. Coca-Cola Vanilla 2002 2007 Present Available in Austria, Australia, Chi na, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Malaysia, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. It was reintroduced in June 2007 by popular demand. Coca-Cola with Lime 2005 Present Available in Belgium, Netherlands, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Coca-Cola Raspberry 2006 Middle of 2007 Was replaced by Vanilla Coke in June 2007 Coca-Cola Blak 2006 Beginning of 2008 Only available in the United States, France, Canada, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Lithuania Coca-Cola Citra 2006 Present Only available in Bosnia and Herzegovina, New Zealand and Japan. Coca-Cola Orange 2007 Present Was available in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar for a limited time. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland its sold under the label mezzo-soprano Mix.Currently available in Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain outlets in the United States since 2009. Beside of products variation, every Coca-Cola products must come with their official logo. The celebrated Coca-Cola logo was created by John Pembertons bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, in 1885. Robinson came up with the name and chose the logos distinctive running hand script. The typeface used, known as Spencerian script, was developed in the mid-19th century and was the dominant form of formal deal in the United States during that period. Robinson as well as played a significant role in early Coca-Cola denote.His promotional suggestions to Pemberton included giving away thousands of free drink coupons and plastering the city of Atlanta with publicity banners and tramway signs. Picture 2 Coca-Cola official logo. 3. 0 Pricing Strategies At United State, pricing strategies is the major ingredient contributing to the growth of the company in order to keep Coca-Cola as the leading brand for carbonate soft drinks. In November 2009, due to a dispute everyplace wholesale prices of Coca-Cola products, Costco stopped restocking its shelves with Coke and feed Coke.However, some Costco locations (such as the ones in Tucson, Arizona), sell imported Coca-Cola from Mexico. Coca-Cola introduced the 7. 5-ounce mini-can in 2009, and on September 22, 2011, the company proclaimed price reductions, asking retailers to sell eight-packs for $2. 99. That same day, Coca-Cola announced the 12. 5-ounce bottle, to sell for 89 cents. A 16-ounce bottle has sold well at 99 cents since being re-introduced, but the price was going up to $1. 19. In 2012, Coca-Cola would curriculum vitae business in Myanmar after 60 years of absence due to U.S. -imposed investment sanctions against the country. Coca-Cola with its partners is to invest USD 5 billion in its operations in India by 2020. In Malaysia Coca-cola products come with 3 sizes. It can be bought as low as RM 1. 70 per can (325ml), for 500ml bottles it can be bought at RM 2. 50 average, and for the 1. 5L bottle the price is between RM 3. 50 4. 00. 4. 0 Promotional Element Used. The first merchandising efforts in Coca-Cola history were executed through coupons promoting free samples of the beverage.Considered an innovative tactic back in 1887, couponing was followed by newspaper advertising and the distribution of promotional items bearing the Coca-Cola script to participating pharmacies. Coca-Colas advertising has significantly affected American culture, and it is often credited with inventing the modern image of Santa Claus as an old man in a red-and-white suit. Although the company did divide using the red-and-white Santa image in the 1930s, with its winter advertising campaigns illustrated by Haddon Sundblom, the motif was lready common. Coca-Cola was not even the first soft drink company to use the modern image of Santa Claus in its advertising White jounce Beverages used Santa in ads for its ginger ale in 1923, after first using him to sell mineral water in 1915. Before Santa Claus, Coca-Cola relied on images of smartly dressed young women to sell its beverages. Coca-Colas first such advertisement a ppeared in 1895, featuring the young Bostonian actress Hilda Clark as its spokeswoman. 4. 1 Holiday campaigns The Holidays are coming advertisement features a rail of red delivery trucks, emblazoned with the Coca-Cola name and decorated with Christmas lights, driving through a snowy landscape and causation everything that they pass to light up and people to watch as they pass through. The advertisement fell into negligence in 2001, as the Coca-Cola Company restructured its advertising campaigns so that advertising around the world was produced locally in each country, rather than centrally in the companys headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.In 2007, the company brought back the campaign, fit to the company many consumers telephoned its information centre saying that they considered it to mark the beginning of Christmas. The advertisement was created by U. S. advertising commission Doner, and has been part of the companys global advertising campaign for many years. 4. 2 Sports spons orship Coca-Cola was the first mercenary sponsor of the majestic games, at the 1928 games in Amsterdam, and has been an Olympics sponsor ever since.This corporate sponsorship included the 1996 Summer Olympics hosted in Atlanta, which allowed Coca-Cola to spotlight its hometown. roughly recently, Coca-Cola has released localized commercials for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver one Canadian commercial referred to Canadas hockey heritage and was modified after Canada won the gold medal game on February 28, 2010 by changing the ending line of the commercial to say Now they know whose game theyre playing. Since 1978, Coca-Cola has sponsored the FIFA origination Cup, and other competitions organised by FIFA.One FIFA encumbrancenament trophy, the FIFA World Youth Championship from Tunisia in 1977 to Malaysia in 1997, was called FIFA Coca Cola Cup. In addition, Coca-Cola sponsors the one-year Coca-Cola 600 and Coke Zero 400 for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series at Charlotte Motor Spe edway in Concord, North Carolina and Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida. 4. 3 In mass media Fast forward to the 1970s when Coca-Colas advertising started to deliberate a brand connected with fun, friends and good times.Many fondly remember the 1971 Hilltop Singers performing Id Like to defile the World a Coke, or the 1979 Have a Coke and a Smile commercial featuring a young fan giving Pittsburgh Steeler, Mean Joe Greene, a refreshing bottle of Coca-Cola. You can wassail these and many more advertising campaigns from around the world in the Perfect Pauses Theatre at the World of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has been prominently featured in countless films and television programs.Since its creation, it remains as one of the most primal elements of the popular culture. It was a major plot element in films such as One, Two, Three, The Coca-Cola Kid, and The Gods Must Be Crazy among many others. It provides a setting for comical corporate shenanigans in the novel Syrup by Max x Barry. And in music, in The Beatles song, Come Together, the lyrics said, He shoot Coca-Cola, he say . The Beach Boys also referenced Coca-Cola in their 1964 song All Summer Long (i. e. Member when you spilled Coke all over your blouse? Also, the best selling artist of all time and worldwide cultural icon, Elvis Presley, promoted Coca-Cola during his last tour of 1977. The Coca-Cola Company used Elvis image to promote the product. For example, the company used a song performed by Presley, A Little Less Conversation, in a Japanese Coca-Cola commercial. 5. 0 Place and The Products / Service Are Delivered To Customer. Coca-Cola as the number 1 carbonated soft drinks throughout all the nations, this soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in every country except Cuba and North Korea.Example like Malaysia, Coca-Cola products can be purchased at all 7Eleven stores throughout this country 24hours per day. To make these products consistently at market, Coca-Cola Compa ny come with idea to apparatus factory at the selected country for produce their products, called as franchised production model. The actual production and distribution of Coca-Cola follows a franchising model. The Coca-Cola Company only produces a syrup concentrate, which it sells to bottlers throughout the world, who hold Coca-Cola franchises for one or more geographical areas.The bottlers produce the final drink by mixing the syrup with filtered water and sweeteners, and then carbonate it in the first place putting it in cans and bottles, which the bottlers then sell and distribute to retail stores, vending machines, restaurants and food service distributors. The Coca-Cola Company owns minority shares in some of its largest franchises, such as Coca-Cola Enterprises, Coca-Cola Amatil, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company and Coca-Cola FEMSA, but fully freelancer bottlers produce almost half of the volume sold in the world.Independent bottlers are allowed to sweeten the drink ac cording to local tastes. The bottling plant in Skopje, Macedonia, received the 2009 award for Best Bottling Company. 6. 0 Conclusion. Coca-Cola has been criticized for alleged inauspicious health effects, its aggressive marketing to children, exploitative labour practices, high levels of pesticides in its products, building plants in Nazi Germany which employed slave labour, environmental destruction, monopolistic business practices, and hiring paramilitary units to murder trade union leaders.In October 2009, in an effort to improve their image, Coca-Cola partnered with the American Academy of Family Physicians, providing a $500,000 grant to help promote healthy-lifestyle education the confederation spawned sharp criticism of both Coca-Cola and the AAFP by physicians and nutritionists. Even though have been criticized by media, nutritionists, doctors and many parties, truly Coca-Cola Company are contributing to the growth of the country that they put their factory.As the giant p layer in carbonated soft drinks, Coca-Cola Company have build up their strong marketing strategies for many decades and they learned from ago experience that make what they as today. Besides that the implementation of the 4P highlighted in this discussion is the key factor that makes them bigger, stronger and relevance all this time. In my opinion if anyone wants to setup a company for any industries, Coca-Cola Company experience, discipline and marketing strategies can be the best example to become a successful player in any businesses you entered.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Nutritional Requirements Of Individuals With Dementia Essay

You must provide answers to each question that everyow your assessor to the right way assess what work duties you argon doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you would claim rough 300 haggle per question. The more detail you provide the less equally your account result be sent back for more clarification.You must answer each question in your take in words and written in the first person meaning I do this. A tip is evermore to keep in mind the who, why, how, where and when in each answer.Learning aftermath 1-Understand the comestibleal needs that be unique to idiosyncratics with delirium1.1 Describe how cognitive, functional and excited changes associated with delirium place affect devouring, imbibinging and sustentation Symptoms associated with dementia, can have a harmful effect on idiosyncratics, if they are non addressed and resolved. In my workplace if the occupiers cognitive talent is impaired they could for use up to swallow and whoop it up, as encounterty as think that they havent been fed, I might in addition think they had a sup or eaten their nutriment where as they might have tipped their take in down the sink or thrown their nourishment away. If the functional ability changes it could mean that they cant hold cutlery or hold a drink, therefore they are unable to incline themselves properly. When the delirious state changes they may rifle unhappy and non want to eat or drink and may also forget that they need to eat and drink.For instance, shake off K was a big lady who had mixed dementia. She was able totalk and hear just now needed full support at repast metre due to her nutritionary needs. At meal time she would normally sit at the card scarcely she loved talking to herself about of the time. To divert her attention, as it was already lunchtime, first, I used to greet her in an appropriate manner and explained that its already time to eat. She used to look at me and smile. She accepted her meal with happiness and excitement on her face, as she was already hungry. I placed her food and drink in front of her on the table and subsequently a while I left her on her own, I then noticed that she stared at her drink and I could tell that she didnt actually know what she was doing as she had forgotten what to do with the items in front of her.Read moreThe Nutritional RequirementsShe used to play with her food and after a few seconds she would usually tip her drink onto the floor and throw her food onto the curtains hanging by the window. In value for her to stop this behaviour I endlessly tried to calm her down in the gentlest way possible. afterward calming and settling Miss K down I carried out the cleaning and sanitising of the floor as well as the curtains to en accredited proper hygiene and cleanliness thus avoiding whatsoever potential infections or contaminations. I always take shape sure that I documented the status of Miss K so that all events were on record for coming(prenominal) reference. I also made it a priority to mention any(prenominal) changes of Miss K to the cured member of cater on duty so that they were kept up to date with her hold back. later a few reports from the look atrs she was eventually given one to one worry during mealtimes to do and support her during eating and drinking.1.2 Explain how poor nutrition can contribute to an individuals stimulate of dementia. Poor nutrition can exit Miss K enough more confused and stressed as she is not getting all the nutrients she needs, and because of her becoming more confused which may result her in forgetting to eat and drink more then she became more distressed which made her more ill. Good nutrition helps the way all human beings look, feel and think and if someone with dementia that doesnt get decorous nutrition, it ordain certainly show by them losing weight and not feeling very well. Due to Miss Ks lack of interest in eating and drinking her mobility was affected. She became unsteady on her feet, which made her use the wheelchair from time to time. I always tried to give her motivation and encouragement to drink and eat as well as other rung members.It also important for me and other staff members to carry on good nutrition to prevent ill wellness whilst at workplace. I made sure that I am physically fit, had ate and drink well in the first place going to work because one-time(prenominal)s if perplexityrs are unwell and have not eat or drink the level of patience and passion to business organization for the service users were affected which could make them becoming more agitated and distressed.1.3 Outline how other health and emotional conditions may affect the nutritional needs of an individual with dementia An example of how other health and emotional conditions could affect the nutritional needs of an individual with dementia is depression, as this could lead to a loss of relish and also a lack of interest i n food and drinks. For example, Mrs B has been depressed for quite sometime due to the death of her husband. She would prefer to be on her own most of the time. As a result of her lack of socialisation she became socially isolated. This affected her nutritional needs, as she didnt feel like eating. It took a long time until she agreed to go to the dine manner at meal times.Once dinner party was served she would stand interest in eating and tended to return to the lounge without touching the meal. I consistently make my best to elbow grease and encourage her to eat. I offered her the prize of what she wanted to eat in the hope that she would consider something she desired rather than not eating at all. I noticed that she became frustrated and anxious when questioned some(prenominal) times. When this became apparent to me I would leave her in the lounge and I would ask other staff members to try and talk to her to see if they could help. I updated her records so that other staf f members could see that she hadnt eaten. I also had to report the matter to the manager so that they were kept in the picture too.1.4 Explain the importance of recognising and skirmish an individuals personal and cultural preferences for food and drink It is important to recognise an individuals personal and cultural preferences to food and drink as this can make people feel like they are respected and included. This will encourage individual to eat and drink, but also it will increase their emotional and physical public assistance. Asking people with dementia abouttheir mealtime preferences, when and where they like to eat and what foods they enjoy is decisive to ensure all staff provide food and options at mealtimes that are familiar to them. People may have different views about foods depending on their cultural background. Providing range of familiar foods can help make individual feel at home, safe and welcomed.An example, Mrs E, a Spanish lady who has no dementia, is self- centred and has her own eating and drinking preferences from time to time. It is very important for me to identify what Mrs E likes to eat and drink and what she doesnt like because she tends to shout at upkeeprs if these are unmet. If I dont recognise these I am not meeting her preferences and that will cause her to not eat and drink instead of realising that it is something she doesnt like. This will then make her feel unhappy, anxious and stressed. If all members of staff know what she likes the management always find that there is always something available. Due to her nationality it is also important to identify her cultural needs e.g. religion, assorted times of the year where she may not eat or will only eat certain foods. each time I am unsure and have questions regarding her diet I always double school with her attention plan or I ask one of the members of staff who are more conscious(predicate) of her dietary needs.1.5 Explain why it is important to include a variet y of food and drink in the diet of an individual with dementia It is very important to include a variety of food and drink in the diet of occupiers with dementia, as they may forget what they didnt like in advance and suddenly offset printing eating it. For example, Mr M has suffered from a bowel cancer and other health problems. He was under the moderating criminal maintenance due to his severe condition. He was unable to chew and swallow normal food but still able to drink properly. After few weeks of not eating well Mr M had lose weight. He was checked by his GP and prescribed an Ensure drink for him, which contains the right amount of nutrients that will serve as alternative to his food.I also made sure to ask Mr M if he had any preferences of food and drink e.g. any flavour of drink or soup. He then told me that he likes chocolate flavour drinks. I then informed the senior regarding his wishes, this was immediately passed on to his GP and products were dispatched after a da y. It is important thatthere is always a variety for Mr M and other residents to make sure that they are always eating something and getting the right nutrients in their bodies. After great(p) Mr M his drink and food I then preserve it in his observation sheet so that other members of staff would be aware how much fluid intake he had and to continue to monitor Mr Ms condition.Learning Outcome 2-Understand the effect that mealtime purlieus can have on an individual with dementia 2.1 Describe how mealtime cultures and environments can be a barrier to meeting the nutritional needs of an individual with dementia Mealtime cultures such as meal sizes, number of courses, specific meal times, cabaret of food etc., may not be contributing(prenominal) to the needs of an individual with dementia. In my workplace, cultures can be a barrier because some of the residents may not know how to eat the food that is in front of them and in the correct order. Please see example 1.1. There are some residents who dont want to eat with other residents at the corresponding time as everyone else in a noisy, busier environment such as communal dining rooms. common areas can be a distraction for an individual with dementia as they can become overwhelmed. For example, a resident who charters helper to eat, I always make sure to ask him if he would prefer to cleave in the main dining room or in a separate, more private room where he feel he wont be watched. I always ensure that the environment for residents is calm and relaxed in order for them to be able to concentrate on the food they eat. This could avoid them becoming agitated, anxious and stressed due to distraction of other residents. Also, all staff was trained to the right banal to deal with mealtimes so that they run as smoothly as possible to avoid conflicts.2.2 Describe how mealtime environments and food presentation can be designed to help an individual to eat and drink In my workplace, when I was assigned the kitche n duty I made sure I washed my hands thoroughly before and after entering the kitchen and before and after handling food. Before mealtimes it was my responsibility to ensure that all dining areas were neat and clean, cutlery was set on the table and that a variety of drinks were prepared and ready for the residents. I also checked the floor to look for any spillages on the carpet to avoid expose contamination and tripping hazards. Furthermoreit was my responsibility to distribute all the trays to the residents that remained in their bedrooms as well as the food trolley for the residents in the lounges.I made sure that the food was served in a relaxed and easy manner. I checked with my colleagues to make sure that all residents were ready for their meals, allowing them to feel calm and relaxed in order to focus on their meals. The presentation of each dinner table and the presentation of the food itself were important too. Prints on plates and tablecloths can be very conf use for r esidents with dementia, especially if they have visual perception difficulties. Foods had to be slowly identifiable plain cream plates were used and were useful in helping to show up sporty foods. The presentation of the food itself had considered colour, texture, smell, and overall appeal. No one wants to eat a plate of unappealing food, and residents with dementia respond well to sensory stimulation.2.3 Describe how a person centred go about can support an individual, with dementia at different levels of ability, to eat and drink There should always be a person centred plan of attack to food and nutrition to all individuals receiving care, as well as those with dementia. In my workplace, there are various courses provided to all members of staff regarding person centred approach, food hygiene and communication to make sure that they are sexual and skilled enough to support individuals nutritional needs. Ensuring that mealtimes are sufficiently staffed to provide assistance to those who need it is also greatly important when providing a person centred approach.For example, Mrs R had undergone a nutritional screen prior admitting in the home that was carried out by the line manager. This involved records of her dietary needs and preferences and any assistance she needs at mealtimes to ensure that members of staff act on this. Based on her care plan Mrs R had a normal diet, could eat and drink well but needed encouragement from time to time due to her condition. When assisting Mrs R I always ensure to respect her rights and dignity through providing assistance discreetly e.g. giving her serviettes to protect clothing, provide adapted crockery andcutlery to enable her feed herself where appropriate. Making sure that food looks appetising and keeping foods separate to enhance the quality of the eating populate is also important.Whilst socialising during mealtimes should be encouraged, I also offer privacy to those who have difficulties with eating, if the y wish, to avoid bewilderment or loss of dignity. I made sure that I give Mrs R and other residents time to eat because they should not be rushed. I made sure to not to make assumptions about their preferences on the basis of their cultural background- I ensure to ask them what their preferences are. My communication skills were also important when supporting Mrs R and others because some of them were unable to understand properly due to their dementia.I always made sure to approach and interact them in a nicest and in a properly manner. Visual aids, such as sustenancelike menus, and non-verbal communication were also used to help to make choices. I also ensure to record food and fluid intake of those residents who were monitored due to poor nutrition. As needs and abilities change, these requirements will require review, to make sure that nutritional needs are consistently met. Also knowing Mrs R, and how, where, what times, and by which rule she can best consume food and drink will help to support her and her needs.Learning Outcome 3-Be able to support an individual with dementia to enjoy good nutrition3.1 Explain how the knowledge of life history of an individual with dementia has been used to provide a diet that meets his/her preferences I was off at work when Mr O was first admitted in the home. I had no idea about his personal life, health condition, nutritional needs and preferences. When I came back to work I made sure to check his care plan and daily report form to gain knowledge about his life history before dealing with his personal needs. Having knowledge of his life history has helped me and other staff members provide a diet that meets his preferences.This helped me to find out what he likes to eat, what are his favourite foods, what he dont like to eat and if he has any allergies to foods. By reviewing the care plan I found out that Mr O was diabetic, desire blackcurrant juice and black coffee but needed a carer to remind him to eat and dri nk during meal times as heused to forget them and only sleeps if not encouraged and supervised. By using his preferences shows that I am sticking onto his care plan, wishes and desires when meeting his needs. Recording any changes on his preferences was also recorded in his daily report form and I also handed in information to the senior in charged so that other staff would be aware.3.2 Explain how meal times for an individual with dementia are planned to support his/her ability to eat and drink In my workplace, meal times are planned according to the individuals condition and choices, some residents will sit at the table and eat with others and some will not eat at all if they are in the company of others- these are residents who preferred to stay in their bedrooms. My colleagues and I always ensure that residents are in the most comfortable place they want to eat and drink, and that they are happy with it. In between mealtimes my colleagues and I offered them snacks with various d rinks and food e.g. tea, coffee, hot chocolate, Horlicks, Ovaltine etc., biscuits and cakes whilst staying in the living room or their bedroom.There are also residents who are unable to feed themselves. I always make sure that I assist them with supply and drinking and also be planned to make sure that they are comfortable and to know what they are going to be eating or drinking in case there is something that they do not want. Any changes on residents nutritional preferences I always checked it with my manager or other staff before giving them other choices because they may have a special diet or hypersensitized to something.3.3 Explain how the specific eating and drinking abilities and needs of an individual with dementia have been addressed acquire to know the specific needs and the eating and drinking abilities of an individual should be addressed when helping the individual to make a choice in what they want to eat and drink. Also knowing the individuals abilities should als o be in their care plan. I always ensure to check each individuals care plan before providing them food or drink especially when he/she is first admitted in the residential home. I also double check their dietary needs with my manager or senior care staff to avoid errors that may affect residents behaviour and health.In my workplace, most of the residents changed their mind from time to time although there was a specific preference listed in their care plan. This will depend on their situation because some residents were unable to decide for themselves and were able to. I always made sure to consult them as they may forget of what they want or they may get fed up of sticking to one drink or food all the time. For example, based on Mr Os care plan he likes orange juice but when I offered him the drink he refused to accept it. He asked me if he could have a blackcurrant juice instead. I respected his choice and gave him the blackcurrant juice. I also passed my experience to the other staff members for them to become aware of his new preference but he might also change his mind in other time.It was also important to take after and monitor a resident before taking an action to address them in eating and drinking. another(prenominal) example, Mrs C had a normal food and drink diet, as her dementia progresses, she has developed a fuss in swallowing and drinking. When I saw her suffered I immediately called the attention of my Senior to check and observe Mrs Cs condition. She then called the GP to further assess her and also speech language therapist was involved. After few assessments Mrs C was then changed onto liquidised meal and 1 scoop of thickener in every 200mls drink. Her care plan was reviewed and this information was also documented in her daily report so that other members of staff will be informed regarding her nutritional changes.3.4 Explain how a person centred approach to meeting nutritional requirements has improve the well-being of an individual wi th dementia The person centred approach to meeting nutritional requirements has improved the well-being of an individual by improving their state of mind and their physical health. Based on 1.1 examples, by giving Miss K a one to one assistance during mealtimes she was able to eat and drink properly. Her ability to stand and walk was developed and I have noticed that she was calmer, polite and gentle when responding to carers.She also took her music without any refusal or problem. The care and support my colleagues and I have given to Miss K has improved her sleep patterns, reduced confusion and anxieties as well as infections making her live a happier and better lifestyle. I always ensure to record any changes and important information regarding her physical and emotional condition to helpfurther assessment and also this will serve as an evidence practice for future observation and findings.